The Next Level Of Worship
Worship is one of my favorite subjects. When you study the Old Testament worship, it
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Is a family man with over 40 years of ministerial training and experience. He has a unique gift to communicate the Gospel to people of all walks of life. As a tool in God’s hands, he trains leaders and inspires others to reach their MAXIMUM POTENTIAL. A native of Cleveland, OH, he graduated from Judah School of Ministry in Columbus and Christ United Theological School and is a member of the African American College of Bishops. Bishop Clark has traveled extensively making a positive IMPACT for the Kingdom of God.
The 4 statements that express our vision are:
1. We are a construction site for the family
2. We are a university for success
3. We are the church in the city impacting the world
4. We are people vowing to praise His name
In addition to preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ we impact our youth through a scholarship program, we impact seniors through a supplement program, we impact our local community through our food bank, and we impact our global community through our missions in Monrovia, Liberia. Lastly, we are expanding the kingdom through technology and social media.
I have been sitting under Bishop Clark’s teaching for the past 8 years and it has helped me to grow spiritually
Bishop Clark has blessed me for over 25 years. He has been preaching the word with signs and wonders following.
God has watched over my FAMILY and protected us from this virus. He has made me grateful for what we have left instead of what we have lost.
Worship is one of my favorite subjects. When you study the Old Testament worship, it
The ultimate goal in the christian life is to win souls to the Lord. To
The idea of going to the next level has application in all of life. You
Send me your information and I will forward you a chapter from my
book titled “Fighting to Get to the Next Level.”
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